Dear readers and followers,
I know I've said it a bunch lately, but I want to thank you all again for being so supportive of my blog. I've recently decided that I would like to pursue a degree in journalism, partly because of the success of my blog, but mostly because writing has always been a passion of mine and I would like to explore career options that would allow me to express myself through writing. The only way I can do that is to learn as much as I can about writing and journalism. I'm not trying to go out there and write a book or anything (although that would be pretty cool), but I would love to write a blog as a profession....yes, that career does exist....or maybe work on social media for a small company. Who knows, the possibilities are endless.
Along with this life changing decision I have decided to move to Phoenix, AZ to live closer to my grandma. I have already applied for school down there and have been accepted, I'm just waiting for financial aid to tell me I've won the grant jackpot. :)
What does this mean for Leo and I? Well, you will have to keep being a faithful reader to find out. I will try and keep you all up to date with everything that is going to happen over the next couple months. Don't worry, I will get you caught up from Pride 2009 as well.
Like I said, you all are the reason I'm going for something I've always thought about but didn't think I could do. I'm on the verge of 1000 views on my blog and to get there, and show my love for you all, I want to ask you to retweet something about my blog. Don't forget to tag me, @fruitflychye and include a link. Before I take off on my adventure to Arizona, I will send one of you a package with love from Texas. I leave for Arizona at the end of the month, so get tweeting. :)
Thanks again,
I FINALLY read this!!! I am so excited for you Katie -- you are a great writer and I am sure you will be so successful with your exciting new adventure!!! Love you lots :)